23 November 2023 - Read the Raid Extreme report in Zeilen magazine.
The November issue of Zeilen magazine is no longer on sale so we uploaded Josien's report here.

27 October 2023 - Report about the Raid Extreme in Zeilen magazine.
Josien Kapma participated twice in the Raid Extreme and wrote a very nice article for the Dutch Zeilen magazine which has an audience of 75000 readers in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The November issue with the 6-page article went on sale today.
We are very curious how many yachties will leave the comfort of electric winches, heated cabins and Diesel engines to try and mix it with the small boats at the Raid Extreme!

28 August 2023 - Race Pack is ready.
Today Koos, Klarie and Hubert met to discuss the last details.
Afterwards we revised the race pack and updated the Raid Extreme website.
You can download the race pack here.
At the end of the document you will find the declaration form which must be returned when you finish. We will hand out printed declaration forms at the skippers meeting on Friday.

5 August 2023 - Raid Extreme Germany
The Raid Extreme Germany challenge was held on 5 August from 0700 to 1800 hours at the EM2 campus in Stralsund. There were 13 boats from Germany, Switzerland, Czechia and the Netherlands. Most of the sailing canoes were equipped with EM2 sailing rigs. The dinghy division consisted of Hatseflats and Goat Island Skiff GISwerk, now under Czech ownership.
The Strelasund is a spectacularly beautiful sailing area, well suited events like the Raid Extreme. The Raid Extreme Germany was well organized with eco-friendly treasures, lunch bags for everyone and VHF radios and phone numbers for communication with the sailors. This year all boats sailed the same course which made the racing very close - so much more enjoyable than sailing on your own.
The battle for line honours went between Koos and Thomas sailing and paddling Artemis canoes.
Koos - Artemis canoe 'Wolf'
Thomas - Artemis canoe 'Pippilotta'
Axel - Artemis canoe 'Artemis'
Helmut and Roland - Klepper Aerius XXL
Ingo E. - Bavaria Mustang modified for canoe sailing
Hubert and Klarie - sailing pram 'Hatseflats'
Dirk and Timon - Lettmann Summerwind with EM2 ketch rig
Bert and Fine- Lettmann Malecite 490 'Vetinari' with EM2 Albatros rig
Ladia and Mischa - Goat Island Skiff 'GISwerk'
Ingo Muller - Lettmann Summerwind 'Galactica' with EM2 ketch rig
Michael - Lettmann Malecite 490 'Kahla' with EM2 Albatros rig
Stephan - Itiwit X100
Uli - Pionier 540G 'Pusteblume' with EM2 ketch rig
Full report:

25 July 2023 - Fleet changes
With two boats on the waiting list, Hubert decided to withdraw Hatseflats to make place for Carl and his Ilur.
Eelco (Viola 14) has now moved to the top of the waiting list.
Joost sold his GIS and will probably bring his new Kombi canoe.
After all these changes we have updated the fleet preview once again.

21 July 2023 - Counting down: 6 weeks
It is less than 6 weeks until the Raid Extreme. Paul pointed out some errors in the race pack.
Hubert and Koos will update the race pack after returning from the Raid Extreme Germany which will be held on 5th August on the Strelasund.
Note that the locations in the maps and the race pack are only approximate locations.
The GPS coordinates are on the declaration form which is handed out at the briefing.
This means that you will have to bring your GPS to the Raid or you will be lost!
21 July 2023 - 2023 Fleet preview updated
We updated the Raid Extreme 2023 Fleet preview with info about the boats of John and Per.

10 April 2023 - 2023 Fleet preview
Here is our first Raid Extreme 2023 Fleet preview
Give us your missing pictures and top speeds and we'll post an updated document!

25 March 2023 - 25 boats!
We are fully booked 5 months ahead of time!
On Friday 24th March, the I550 of Hans and Michiel was registered as the twenty fifth boat for the 2023 Raid X.
We are hoping for a good event with a minimum of organization (our efforts are limited to the skippers briefing, start at dawn and prize giving afterwards).
You can still register to get on the reserve list. First come, first served!
Picture:some of the boats registered for this year's event.

05 March 2023 - Close to 25 boat limit
During this past week more registrations were coming in:
Keith Morris (London Town Canoe - 'Just for fun, but in a gentle hurry')
Per Maurtvedt (McGregor Sailing Canoe - 'Roret går lett når segl er rett sett') and
Rene Gies (Viola 14 - 'In for a penny, in for a pound.')
The registration counter stands at 24 boats now. There is still room for 1 (!) more boat.

26 February 2023 - Opened registration for newcomers
We opened the registration page for newcomers.
Peter Robinson (Sea Harrier - 'It's not a competition')
Simon Knight (Solway Dory Shearwater - 'Can I go back to bed now?') and
William Pieters (RoG Bluto - 'One Life')
The registration counter stands at 21 boats now. There is still room for 4 more boats.

22 January 2023 - Invited veterans
Koos sent an email to allow Raid Extreme veterans to register before opening the registration for newcomers.
At the end of the day several veterans were keen to register:
Josien Kapma (Liteboat XP - 'Sailing Dory, with soft powers to the Lauwers')
Anneke van der Geest (Caledonian Yawl - 'Compassie en welvaart voor iedereen')
Paul Waterman (Morbic 12 - '"We're only here for the Meer")
Raban Stumme (1911 Berlin Rowing Gig - 'Rotted wood is good')
Alex Brouwer (Infusion F18)
John Bennett (2014 Hobie Adventure Island - 'Sailing is Freedom')
Marco Dessardo (Viola 14 - 'Sail or Die')
Sebastiaan van Rossum (Whitehall Dinghy).
Welcome back!

10 January 2023 - Raid Extreme limited to 25 boats.
At Raid X, we think we have reached a point where we can easily get 20-25 participants, while still keeping our efforts to get the group together low (non-organising as we say it). Last years were good, and we are now at a crossroads. Do we want to grow the event, or keep it as is?
We choose the latter. We like the informal atmosphere, and DIY mentality, while keeping the "burden" to organise as low as possible.
This means we will set a limit of 25 boats, and open subscriptions first for people who have visited already. After giving returning visitors the chance, we will open registration for new people to fill it up to 25.
Veterans will get an invite by email on January 22nd. The website will open for subscription February 26.
Looking forward to seeing many of you again, and seeing new faces as well!
Thanks Peter Robinson and Josien Kapma for inquiring!!