2020 News
2 September 2020
Damn! Just as the Raid Extreme was becoming an international event with no less than 6 guys from France and one guy from Spain, several of our new friends found themselves in 'orange zones' on the new Corona map of Europe.
Once you are in an orange zone you have to self-isolate for 10 days in a yellow zone before it is safe to participate in social events.
WIth Corona continuing to be a threat that is gradually becoming better understood, we had to stick to the rules of the Dutch government.
Better safe than sorry. It sounds lame and we feel lame.
Hope to meet up with you soon, Emmanuel, Yves, Marco, Benoit, Gerard and William! Maybe at the Rassemblement Arwen Marine 2020 from 25-27 September?
To all of our other friends: hope to see you on Friday for this year's Raid-not-very-Extreme.
The image below is a fragment of Jasper Johns' 'Flag' painting.

29 August 2020
The Dutch government updated the travellers advice for France.
There are now more orange zones. Travellers from orange zones should self-isolate for 10 days on arrival in The Netherlands. If you are travelling from an orange zone please send an email to Koos.

29 August 2020
Yesterday we sent out an email with information and the programme of the 'Raid ne pas extreme':
Le Friday
Arrive at Jachthaven Lauwersmeer in Oostmahorn (Oostmahorn 31, 9133 DT Anjum
Build up boats, tents, test on the water
Meet each other at Omaho beach, drinks and discuss plan for Saturday
Le Saturday
Some racing is unavoidable. We will cruise and sometimes race the Lauwersmeer. You can choose to be in the fast or very fast division. Prizes will be awarded per division, and for the best cooking setup during lunch.
Our tentative plan (finalise together on Friday evening)
0900: Start “race” to the first stop (Hoek vd Bant)
1000:Race to next stop SuyderOog
1200:Race to lunch at Gin and Tonic island (SE of Schoenerbult) - across the shallows (20cm)!
1430:Race around the Schoenerbult Island Schoenerbult (cross the shallows if you want)
1700:Back at Omaho beach or the marina
1730: Prizegiving at Omaho beach
Evening: organize your own meal (restaurants nearby)
Le Sunday
Cruising in company, routes depending on wind and weather conditions.
Below: Koos in racing mode, a candidate for the 'very fast' division

26 August 2020
Joost Engelen is a veteran of the 2016 and 2018 editions of the Raid Extreme.
This time Joost will not bring his Goat Island Skiff (sorry Emmanuel) but another treasure from his boatbuilding shed.
Either his 12ft Chris Koper-designed Chickadee scow or his very quick Viola Canoe shown below.

26 August 2020
The Dutch government marked Spain and several areas of France as 'orange' zones which means that only essential trips are allowed and you should self-isolate for 10 days afterwards.
The map below shows the current situation for France. If you should come from an orange area, please inform Koos by email.

24 August 2020
Benoit from France will be bringing 'Mounouf' to the Raid Extreme. Mounouf is a Silmaril, a sail and oars boat designed by Emmanuel Conrath and François Vivier. Mounouf was built in 2016 in two weeks with the help and in the workshop of Arwen Marine. Here Benoit and Emmanuel are sailing Mounouf on the Lac du Der.

21 August 2020
Earlier. this week, the Dutch government imposed new restrictions to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. As of 19th August you may not invite more than 6 people into your house. We are concerned about the spread of Covid-19 which has now reached the northern parts of the Netherlands.
Our view is that the Raid Extreme is essentially an outdoor event. If we admit only 3 persons in the club house at any time, all remaining activities are outdoors with a much reduced of infecting one another.
Since everyone leaves an email address on registering interest in the Raid, everybody can be contacted if needed later on.As long as it is possible we want to go ahead with the Raid Extreme.
We are following the news about Corona and will keep you up to date.
18 August 2020
Ben and Yvonne are veterans of many raids in the Netherlands but they are new to the Raid (not so) Extreme. They will sail on Jewell, a pretty 20 foot yawl designed by Francois Vivier.

17 August 2020
Father and son Hans and Hans will not be there because Hans senior regrettably sold his Solway Dory. He has bought a Fox 22 for singlehanded cruising. Hope to see you back next time, guys!
Fortunately, Hans and Margreet are returning with their very fast Wuptem. Welcome back!

Gerard from France will bring a Skerry Raid called Marie Pupuce II. Gerard built her from a kit supplied by Arwen Marine.It will be interesting how the Skerry Raid compares to the other boats between 4.5m and 5m.

16 August 2020
Emmanuel will bring a Goat Island Skiff. He writes: "I built my GIS during the winter 2018-2019 (I wrote an article about this in the Chasse-Marée N°308). I sailed my GIS at the Semaine du Golfe 2019, at the Challenge Naviguer Léger 2019 (a 5 day raid in the Bay of Quiberon, see Chasse-Marée N° 307) and again at the Challenge Naviguer Léger 2020, 4 days this year from Trébeurden to Bréhat. Before Let's Goat, my boat was Gandalf, an 18 foot CLC Skerry. I'll be riding with a friend, Yves, who also sails extensively in little
I love sailing in little boats and I do it as much as I can. I am a professional boatbuilder and you can learn more on my website.
Every year I organize a sailing meeting early May for my customers, friends and others on the Lac du Der-Chantecoq. Due to Covid-19, this year's Rassemblement Arwen Marine will be held between Friday 25 and Sunday 27 September."
You can see Emmanuel and "Let's Goat" in action here and here.

15 August 2020
One of the first to register were Wim and Joke with their Wet-Bicycle. Welcome back!

William from France is new to the Raid Extreme. William built a Bedard-designed 15 ft RoG micro cruiser called Bluto but made it 10% lighter and put a lot of sail on it.
The architect was blown away by the newly added flat gennaker and will put a gennaker on his own boat.
The video clip gives a good impression of this fast-looking design.
Marco from Paris will also join us for the first time. You can see some of his art work on his website. You will also see some quite unusual boats there!
Marco brings an aluminium canoe with a lateen rig which he has sailed in the Eolian islands, Bretagne, Sète, Marseilles and at the "semaine du golfe" in Morbihan.

July 21st 2020
Actually, last year's edition wasn't so bad! We sailed with a smallish group, who just got on the water and had fun. So we decided to do the Raid not very extreme again :) We'll keep an eye on Corona regulations, worst case will be everybody doing their own dinner in the evening and we sit on the terrace at "Omaho Beach" (Marina Oostmahorn) and keep our distance. Doesn't sound too bad?